Worship Leading

*Had this dream August 8, 2008

Had a dream that I was leading a set at the JPR. I, of course had never lead worship before at this point, and I especially had never lead with a keyboard. In my dream, as in real life, I was not playing the keyboard really well. I didn’t really know what I was doing while leading the set but it was okay because the Holy Spirit took over. The presence of God was there and people were engaged in the room as well as the team. 

What Church is More Anointed?

I dreamed that the previous ministry I was in came to my church to minister though it didn’t physically look like my church. It was very rustic looking and actually looked similar to the building my old ministry met in. It had posters of different conferences hanging up everywhere. Some of the people in my previous ministry were glad to see me and very welcoming. When the ministry started to minister in worship, the people in the congregation were not really connecting with the Holy Spirit. The director of my previous ministry stood up in the back of the room and started preaching… from the back, where the chairs are. For some reason, the director of the ministry started using me as an example to illustrate some kind of point. He asked me where I bought furniture from and he had a very cold expression in his eyes. I stood up to face him and I said… “I buy my furniture here at ____” and said the name of the furniture store I use to work at. Apparently, the furniture store was also located in the church building somewhere. I remember there being a lot of tension in the room. Some of the members of the previous ministry were acting smug because they didn’t feel that my church was as anointed as they were. I began to worry what they thought about my church, even though I didn’t think their judgement was true. ~Brooke

Conserving Oil

Oil tankers can represent an important person who is anointed.

Oil tankers can represent an important person who is anointed.

In my dream I really cared about the environment (as I do in real life). I had somehow figured out a way to conserve oil for the entire world so that we didn’t have to use huge tankers that could potentially damage the oceans. Because we were conserving the oil, smaller ships, rather than huge tankers were used to carry the oil across the ocean thus preventing massive spills. ~Brooke