Bring the Lonely into Families

I had a dream about what I think was my family. We were all sitting in the living room of the house I grew up in when someone began sharing that they felt lonely and disconnected from everyone. They explained that it was ridiculous that they were surrounded by people that were supposed to love them and still felt so disconnected. As one person was vulnerable about their loneliness, other family members began to open up as well. ~Brooke

My Dad’s Shoes

*This is a dream my dad had and I thought it was pretty cool… though I’m not entirely sure of the meaning.

New shoes indicate changes that will prove beneficial.

New shoes indicate changes that will prove beneficial.

My daughter, Brooke, was in a room with my dad (her grandfather). My dad passed away in 1997. In my dream, Brooke turned on the stereo and this really good blues music started playing as my dad sat in an easy chair bobbing his head to the music. I thought, that’s a little strange, this doesn’t seem like something Brooke would normally listen to. When I listened closer to the music, however, I noticed that it was some sort of “blues worship” and it was really anointed. I then looked at my dad’s shoes and noticed he had on these fancy cream and tan wingtips. My dad was always really conservative and though he had money he was pretty frugal and didn’t spend a lot on really expensive clothes and shoes. As I walked closer to him I commented on the shoes, “so I see you got some new shoes”! He just nodded his head, yes. ~Sid

The Almost Robbery

I was leaving a bank or a store of some sort where I had just gotten a wad of cash. As I was going to my car, I saw several men following me. They had been waiting until I was finished. I got in my car just as they approached it and shut the door just before they were going to steal my purse. Their goal was to steal the money I had just put in my purse. They were eventually able to break into my car but instead of stealing my purse they ended up stealing my sister’s. My sister is not a believer. When I called my sister, apologizing for letting her purse get stolen, she blew it off and said “that’s okay. I didn’t have any cash in it anyway.” ~Chere

Vacation with Mom

Power boats could mean a "powerful" ministry that rides on the waves of the Holy Spirit (water). It could also mean fast-moving progress.

Power boats could mean a “powerful” ministry that rides on the waves of the Holy Spirit (water). It could also mean fast-moving progress.

I went on vacation with my mom to the ocean. We went down to the ocean to go swimming but realized we did not have floaty rafts to lay on and swim with. For this reason, I did not want to get in. So we went to the lodge nearby where there was a store. I walked in and the woman at the desk was sitting on two floaties. One was donut shape. We asked her for a floaty raft and she said they were out at the store. I asked if there was a Wal-Mart nearby and she said that it was closed.

We decided to take a boat out on the ocean instead. I am sure I am missing pieces of this part. We get it all prepared and I am starting to get a little nervous. I asked my mom if she has ever driven a boat before. I start having visions of her overturning the boat or crashing into another boat. She says that she has driven a boat three times before when my dad was a youth pastor. The only thing that I remember next is that we were careening around the ocean moving in between other boats really fast. The ocean was kind of crowded with boats but we were going so fast. ~ Brooke

The Forest and the Shack

Did your dad show up in your dream? Maybe he represents Father God.

Did your dad show up in your dream? Maybe he represents Father God.

I was a little girl and was running from some bad guys with an adult man. I think he may have been my dad but didn’t look like my dad in real life… and the man was much younger than my dad. We had been spending the night in the forest for days, trying to get away from the bad guys. As we were running we passed this little run-down shack that looked like it was about to fall apart. The man made a comment to me about how we had stayed in that same shack a couple of nights before. He said that he was unsure if it would be safe or not but it turned out to be perfectly safe. He said I had an uncanny ability to know if we were going to be safe or not. That I just “knew”. ~Brooke

White-Tiled Face

My daughter and I were talking about beauty treatments. She was telling me how she wanted to get her hair straightened and we were discussing other options for her to make herself more beautiful. Basically, we were just having girl talk. I looked over at her and I noticed that her face was covered in tiny white tiles and she started to remove them one by one. I didn’t say anything to her but I thought that it was very strange. In the next frame, we are sitting together again but I notice that her skin is absolutely radiant and beautiful, literally shining as if it was coming from the inside of her. –Judy