Frozen Lake

I was walking down a highway with a girlfriend. I’m not sure where our intended destination was. The weather was cold and the sky was very overcast. We reached a fork in the highway and she continued straight ahead while I veered off onto another highway by myself. I saw a large patch of ice covering the highway and it turned into a frozen lake. I knew I had to walk over the ice to get to the other side so I was very careful while walking on the ice but it was treacherous. I then made it to the frozen lake but the ice was very thin. I wasn’t sure if I would make it across the lake without falling in because I heard a crack after every footstep. But I quickly made it to the other side. When I looked to see where to go next I saw a huge mountain ahead of me where the highway turned into a narrow mountain path. I knew I had to climb the mountain to be where I was supposed to be. At the end of the dream I was making my way toward the mountain. ~Brooke